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Pickleball 101: Begginer's Guide

9 minutes reading

Pickleball 101: Begginer's Guide

9 minutes reading

By Sports Experts in collaboration with la Fédération québécoise de Pickleball

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Pickleball is a racket sport that allows you to have fun with two or four friends while staying fit. It is a combination of tennis, badminton, ping pong, and racquetball, and it has never been more popular, both indoors during the cold season and outdoors in the summer.

Whether you want to try this sport competitively or recreationally, here's a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about its benefits, equipment, and places to play.

1. What is pickleball?

As mentioned, pickleball is a hybrid of several racket sports. As with those sports, the objective in pickleball is to score points by hitting the ball into the opponent's playing area without them being able to return it.

Pickleball borrows most of its upper and lower body movements from tennis. It takes the dimensions of its court from badminton, the rigid-surfaced paddle from ping pong, and the size of the paddle from racquetball.

Pickleball can be played both in singles (two players facing each other) and doubles (two teams of two players facing each other). It can be played indoors as well as outdoors on a hard surface that allows for proper ball bounce.

The net, lower than in tennis, is set at a height of 34 inches at the centre and 36 inches at the outer lines. The ball used is made of hard plastic and perforated one with circular holes.

The relatively simple rules of pickleball make it a very easy sport to learn, making it even more enjoyable for everyone.

What is the difference between pickleball and tennis?

Pickleball is often mistaken for tennis. Despite several similarities, they are fairly different sports. Pickleball requires less mobility and physical strength compared to tennis. It is also a sport with its own gameplay strategies, emphasizing patience and endurance rather than aggressive play.
The two sports also differ in terms of their rackets. Tennis rackets are larger, with semi-rigid strings, while pickleball paddles are smaller and completely rigid.

Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing racket sports in the world. If you're wondering why it has become so popular in recent years, it's mainly because it's a sport for everyone - inclusive and highly accessible. It is a social sport that allows you to have fun while developing friendships whether playing competitively or recreationally.

Pickleball is also a family-friendly sport that can bring together players of all ages - sometimes up to three generations on the same court - to exchange shots. Its easy-to-learn rules and relatively small court size make it less physically demanding than tennis, allowing for more frequent and strategic exchanges.

Finally, pickleball is a very affordable sport that requires minimal equipment.

2. How to gear up for pickleball?

Speaking of equipment, playing pickleball requires four essential elements and some complementary accessories.

The paddle

There are various types of pickleball paddles available. Some criteria that can guide your choice include weight, thickness, length, shape, size and length of the handle and the materials. It is important to have a good grip on the paddle, especially for backhands and serves.

The paddle’s weight significantly influences hitting power. Above all, choose a paddle that suits your muscle strength.

The length and shape determine striking stability. There are three types of pickleball paddle shapes:

Standard shape Elongated shape Wide shape
This is the original shape of a pickleball paddle and suits all levels of play. With this shape, the sweet spot for hitting is concentrated towards the middle of the paddle. It is suitable for advanced players looking for increased precision and control. This type offers a wider striking surface and better manoeuvrability for beginners and intermediate players.

Handle size and length determine how well you can grip the paddle and achieve accuracy in your shots. These specifications are generally standard for paddles sold in stores based on average hand sizes (e.g., average handle thickness ranges from 4.125 to 4.375 inches in circumference). If you have larger or smaller hands than average, you can find suitable models. You can also modify the thickness of the handle by adding an overgrip which gives the racket a better grip. A longer overgrip can also be used for two-handed backhands.

Finally, a pickleball paddle consists of several materials, primarily a graphite surface/fibre carbon/composite surface and a polymer core. Carbon fibre or graphite paddles offer better sensitivity and control, while composites (such as fibreglass) provide more power. Composite paddles are suitable for beginners and intermediate players, while advanced players generally prefer carbon fibre or graphite.

Feel free to try out and compare multiple paddles in store; one of them will surely suit you.

Shop your perfect paddle


While the attire may be similar to that of many cardio sports, shoes specifically designed for pickleball are recommended. More than just an accessory, they allow you to play comfortably and perform well while minimizing the risk of injury.

When choosing pickleball shoes, look for models with good foot support to ensure adequate stability during fast movements, sudden stops, and lateral shifts. Additionally, pay attention to the sole grip and traction to maintain stability regardless of the court surface (wooden gym floor or outdoor concrete/acrylic). Finally, don't overlook proper cushioning systems in shoes. It will allow you to play longer without tiring your legs or joints.


There aren't specific clothing requirements for pickleball, however, some brands offer more technical apparel than others. In general, prioritize stretchy tops and bottoms that won't restrict your movements. It's important that they are breathable and quick-drying if you tend to sweat easily. Avoid cotton at all costs!

In summer, if the sun is intense, consider covering your shoulders with a long-sleeved shirt to minimize sunburns.

Shop pickleball must-haves


There are two types of balls available depending on whether you're playing on an indoor or outdoor court:

  • Indoor balls: usually have 26 holes and a larger diameter.
  • Outdoor balls: usually have 40 holes and a smaller diameter.


To complete your perfect pickleball gear, consider getting protective goggles - clear lenses for indoor use or UV-resistant lenses for outdoor play - to prevent potential stray balls from hitting your face.

You can also get a dedicated pickleball bag, with space for your paddles, balls, and water bottle. Replacement grip tape is also good to have, to enhance paddle grip.

3. Benefits

There are numerous advantages to playing pickleball. Firstly, it provides enough activity level to experience physical benefits while being reasonably gentle on joints due to its low-impact nature.

It also requires speed and strategy which is excellent for improving cognitive function at any age.

As mentioned earlier, pickleball places great emphasis on human interaction within the game itself. It allows you not only to develop healthy friendships but also boosts self-confidence.

Both young and old can engage in this sport regardless of their physical condition, mobility or competitive spirit. Some people even continue playing pickleball past the age of 90!

Did you know?

Pickleball is an inclusive sport accessible even to wheelchair users! Thanks to the court's hard surface along and smaller dimensions and the limited movements involved, individuals with reduced mobility can enjoy both physical and social benefits from playing pickleball.

4. Where can you play?

Pickleball can be played spontaneously on outdoor municipal courts nearby or through organized clubs.

Most cities have outdoor pickleball courts available. Contact your municipality's representative to learn more about location, schedule, regulations, costs and more.

There are around sixty clubs/associations affiliated with Pickleball Québec. You can find their complete list on the Federation's website.

Pickleball Québec actively promotes sports development through various programs including youth program initiatives, wheelchair pickleball, competition programs (leagues & tournaments), player training programs, referee & coach programs, and discovery programs.

Discover the official pickleball rules today.

So…meet you on the court?

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